How to make your website a client magnet

Is your website a client magnet? Or is it just “checking off a box”

I see it ALL. THE. TIME.

You created a website just to check another box off the "start a business list." So you googled "easy website builder" chose a template, and did your best at writing the copy.


→ None of the traffic coming from your IG to your website is converting

→ People who find it on Google look elsewhere because it’s not impressing anyone

→ Your messaging misses the mark so your dream client passes you by

And you’re patting yourself on the back, thinking you’re on the right track.

But months pass, and you’re *still* not seeing any leads come through, and when you do, they’re not super ideal projects. You have to bend over backwards to make it work because their budgets are low or their needs aren’t aligned with your offerings.

Why isn't your website performing?

The thing is: Your website isn’t just another box to check off! Your website is your brand’s storefront. It’s where window shoppers decide if they’re going to come on in and look around, or keep on walkin’ 

  • If your website appears amateur or thrown together, those ideal clients aren’t going to see you as credible or legit.

  • If your messaging isn’t intentional, it won’t resonate with the people you really want to work with.

  • If the user experience is lacking, those dream leads are going to exit out real quick.

So how do you tweak that DIY website to drive more conversions?

Tailor your content, clean up your design, and fine tune the user experience, STAT.

Some first steps?

  • Don’t talk about yourself so much. Speak directly to your dream client in your website copy. Here’s an example of what that change could look like.

    Example one: “I design brands and website for founders of small businesses who are sick of DIY’ing and ready to take their business to the next level. My luxury process, high-touch approach and proven results make me the obvious choice for your brand and website revamp in 2025.”

    Example two: “You’re a powerhouse business owner that’s too busy scaling to be wasting time and energy DIY’ing graphics on Canva. You’re more than ready to ditch the DIY and go CEO mode. Leave the design work to us. Take your brand and website to the next level in 2025.”

So you get it, but trying to figure out what to say feels a little overwhelming, right? Start by writing down who that dream client actually is and what problems they have that you can solve. 
Jot down demographics first, but dive deeper and think psychographics too. Where are they in life? Where do they want to be? What’s stopping them from getting there? How can you help facilitate that growth? What statements could you write that will have them thinking “wow, they get it.”?

Examples of what this may look like:

  • Audience #1:

    • Female]

    • 30-45

    • US & Europe

    • Household income of $500k+

    • Single or Married

  • Pain points: Owns a growing business and has DIY’ed her own website, branding and social media graphics up until now, but no longer has the bandwidth. Is rushing design work and worried that it’s making her brand appear messy and amateur. Is burnt out and overwhelmed by the idea of creating cohesive templates, especially since she’s not sure she’s in love with her branding anyway. Thinks her business may be outgrowing the current brand.

  • Where she wants to be: She wants a brand that will grow with her business, one that she won’t have to improve upon in 2-5 years but will stand the test of time. She wants the brand to feel like her, but also deeply resonate with her clientele. She not only wants a strong look and feel, she wants a messaging strategy that complements it. She wants templates that are built for her and her messaging strategy that she can hire someone to plug and play so she can stop DIYing and focus on growing her business.

  • Use this content you’ve curated to create a flow of information for them to read on your website that starts with need-to-know info towards the top and supporting info as they scroll, speaking to them the entire way.

  • Place CTA's in all the right places. This means a CTA that is easily accessible on nearly every section of your website, but not so many buttons that it’s overwhelming, because, spoiler alert, too many buttons can actually drive people away because numerous choices in one place can be overwhelming.

OR ditch the DIY website and work with a professional who has taken over 50 websites from “box checker” to “client magnet."

I’d love to transform your website and help you grow your business. Hit the “inquire” button above to apply to become a client today. It’s time to level up!


Case Study: Brand & Website Design in a Day


How to Know You’re Outgrowing Your Current Brand Identity